I’m Quitting My Blog

I have some health problems that keep me from going to the movies, so if I see any it would have to be from home. So after over 2 decades of being a movie buff it doesn’t look like I’ll be going to the movies anymore. Most movies are trash now, people in the audience can be so inconsiderate, it’s expensive, and Hollywood actors are Satanist puppets that expect us to drool over them. I’m over it. So not worth it. I don’t like this tone I have a lot when reviewing movies. I want to live a positive life. Most movies nowadays disappoint and put me in a bad mood. I was addicted to going to the movies going once or twice a week and God intervened. There are more important things in life like serving the kingdom of God. That’s what I want to do. Not review movies. Movies are great as a kid, but it fades as you get older like everything else in this world. This life is so short. I don’t want to waste time getting upset over overrated movies. They will be around for a while, and liberal movies are trying to cause division on purpose. I don’t want to contribute to that. I want to live a fulfilling life for the Lord with a positive attitude.

If you do read any reviews that have to do with sensitive issues just know that I know from firsthand experience that people from all different races and social groups are capable of getting along, so my reviews calling out movies trying to divide us or brainwash people like Zootopia, Sausage Party, and The Birth of a Nation might come off the wrong way if you’re reading them from an SJW standpoint. I’ve talked to nice people from all social groups and I like that society can still be like that despite all the noise from Hollywood. That’s the point I’m trying to get out in those reviews, but because they are negative reviews they might come off the wrong way. I will always be against the liberal, anti-Christian agenda in Hollywood and the mainstream media, but the narrative Christian truth seekers like myself hate everyone is a false narrative. I love getting along with people. I wish it could always be like that. Let’s keep it that way for as long as we can before things get worse. The times are heading in a bad direction, but just remember to always stay focused on the Lord Jesus Christ.

P.S. Parts of my Sausage Party review were based on research, so there were things said in it that I wasn’t there for. I think they make more sense than what we were told, but I take everything with a grain of salt. God’s Word is 100% real though. That’s what is most important.

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Spacing Issues

I can’t believe I actually have to waste a blog post on this, but the spacing in between reviews has been giving me problems. Whenever I go back to edit a page twice in the same day it undoes the double spacing between movies and they are too close together. WordPress needs to fix this. This shouldn’t be happening if I’m not doing it. Now every time this happens I have to go back and individually space them, which especially takes forever on the 2016 page because it has the most movies so far.

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Critics Scores

= 4/4 stars
A- = 3.5/4 stars
B+ = 3/4 stars
= 3/4 stars
B- = 2.5/4 stars
C+ = 2/4 stars
= 2/4 stars
C- = 1.5/4 stars
D+ = 1/4 stars
= 1/4 stars
D- = 0.5/4 stars
= 0/4 stars

The reason I do letter grades for critics scores is because it’s harder to get an average for all the critics than to just get an individual rating out of 4 stars. I got it this system for averaging critics scores from Yahoo! Movies before they laid off most of their editors and got rid of the whole system. I’ve been following their system since 2004 until they discontinued it at the end of 2011. I still know how to get their average on my own, and I do. But nowadays I average in the scores more from Rotten Tomatoes and Metacritic because they are the sites still up and running and they have more scores on there than Yahoo! Movies did. MRQE has helped a little too in deciding which way to go for certain ratings. It can be hard at times to decide on a rating because there are multiple movie review sites and the ratings I choose have to be consistent with each other. I have figured on how the system will work though for each rating. It’s not meant to be confusing. You don’t need to worry about how I get it unless you disagree or are actually interested.

Like there’s a difference between a B+ and a B. A B+ is usually 3 star and 3.5 star reviews and a is mostly 3 star reviews down the board. A C+ can either be mostly 2 star reviews or mixed reviews all around for a movie that polarized critics and a C is similar but tends to be more on the negative side. An A+ is rarely given individually so an average critics score is impossible. An is the highest possible average and that is rare. So is an average which would obviously be the lowest. Anything from a C- to a D- tends to be negative reviews that range from 2/4 stars to 0/4 stars, some more than others depending on the average critics score. I wrote this just in case anyone was confused by why my rating and the average of the critics scores were different rating systems. It’s a personal thing. The letter grade averages are made up of a bunch of star ratings if that makes sense.

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I’ve decided that these are the years I’m going to be doing for my blog. Starting with 2016 just feels too late because I got into movie reviews for real in 2004 after starting to get into it at the end of 2003. This was in 6th grade when I started middle school that I started to find out who I really am. If anyone ever sees this site I want people to know where I started and where I’m at now. Almost all the reviews I had originally written for a lot of these movies are gone now except for Inception, The Dark Knight Rises, Interstellar and maybe some from 2008, so I’m going to have to rewrite almost all of them. I’ll probably edit the most of the ones I still have too because I have more experience now, mainly the 2008 ones but not The Dark Knight Rises review because it is completely fine as is and is my longest review. It’s going to take a while obviously, especially 2011 when I saw a personal record of 88 movies. That was also the year I saw every Best Picture and Worst Picture nominee in theaters before they were nominated. That was a life goal I accomplished when I was 19. The reason the final year is 2019 is because big things are supposed to go down that year which would be too much to explain in this post, and I don’t know what’s going to happen then and after that. As of now I plan on reviewing movies on here for as long as I keep going to the movies. Bottom line, the site’s a work in progress.

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My Movie Blog

Anyone that knows me knows I go to the movies on a regular basis. I loved movies more growing up. They were better in those days. I was more on the same page with people back then. Nowadays I think the movies you’re supposed to love are overrated. I will not copy the critics or anyone and will even show you the difference. There are times when I agree and times when I don’t. The star rating is mine and is out of 4 stars. My review is the paragraph below it. However I type choose to type the review is whatever sounds better to me. The critics score is completely separate and is a letter grade because averaging all the critics’ ratings from every publication is more complicated than an individual rating. The movies are in release date order. When I post the review depends on when I see the movie. It’s usually opening weekend. Like with all movie reviews there are spoilers, so read at your own risk. This was a failed attempt at a blog in 2011 that I came back in 2016 to start up again after getting new ideas for it all of a sudden. Life is weird sometimes.

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